Well, the last couple of weeks have been club-tuf. We got our mower stolen. I got pulled off the sectional layout to work on the permanent, but neither is where I wanted them to be. A show is coming up. Got two out-of-state ops-trips to arrange. Work work work.
I was pretty ground out from all this. Just tired. Came out for ops not knowing what to expect but, frankly, expecting the worse. Then again, I always anticipate the worst. That way, you’re never disappointed.
But tonight, I was pleasantly surprised.
I had fun at the club. Fun. Imagine that.
I got to do my favorite role (dispatching). We had a full house, all the trains running and then some. Everyone ran tight, Harris Glen was packed, trains were stacking up in both yards. But it was fun. Fun in that frantic high-stakes way where you are writing warrants three at a time, toggling four trains off each other’s movements, then turning away to let them resolve themselves. Overlong trains squealing past each other with barely a car-length to spare.
As Hannibal used to tell his A-Team: I love it when a plan comes together!
I’m actually looking forward to the next session. Imagine that…