Baker’s dozin’…

Baker’s dozin’…

Sat by the pond at lunch and slogged through the ongoing ReTyrement rewrite.

Got to the point where we see the hero at work in a wineshop (that serves food) in 330BC. He’s humping over the fire, turning the spitted goat, checking the bread on the metal plate…

Something in my mind went clunk!

I checked this online. Don’t know why I didn’t realize this (nor did any of my editing readers realize this) but you absolutely have to bake bread in an oven. Now, there were little ovens, even portable ovens, back then and you could shove bread in the top and close it up with a stone (or clay). But, no, you don’t bake bread on a cookie sheet (unless, of course, it’s in an oven!).

Gads, now I gotta clean this reference up across 500 pages.

Wonder why, after all these years, it struck me as false.