ad to do that mom-snowbird thing, driving her up the North Carolina from Florida. This time, I decided to take a road trip after dropping her off. My sister Pat was gracious enough to allow me her Prius and so off I went, running up from Beach Mountain to Columbus Ohio (to pay respects to my father). And then out to Waynesburg, PA to see the site of where my model train layout is set (and covered HERE). And then back. The first and third leg were seven to eight hours each, and the crossbrace leg would be three.
I checked with my sister before setting out. Did her car have a CD player?
So I stopped by the library.
Got two books on disk I’d wanted to listen to. The first one, Into the Storm, really took hold of me. As soon as I fixed onto the final road out of North Carolina, I slid it in and was instantly into the story.
That’s the thing – if you have a long drive, you can make it far shorter and more enjoyable with a book on disk (free from most libraries). My wife and I have done this for every trip we’ve made up to see mom and it makes the hours slide by. As long as you don’t get a bad reader (I still shudder at the “disks… like eyes!” goof, and the terrible reading of Small Gods), its amazing how it can transport you into a tale that can make the drudgery of the modern highway so much easier.
So keep that in mind. Pick up a disk for your next road trip. Take two or three in case you get a dud.
And for the record, I liked Into the Storm so much that I bought the full fifteen book set and am re-reading the first.
Better than reading billboards, and there are no amusing Burma Shave signs these days.