howed up a little early for a dentist checkup the other morning. Was the only one in the waiting room and the TV was on mute (and I wasn’t going to disturb it). They were running a little late so I sat quietly for twenty/thirty minutes while they got to where they could see me. When the nurse came out, she said she hadn’t thought I was even there, I was so quiet. And on top of things, I’d forgotten my book.
I was thinking.
Unlike that kid the other day at the hair cutters (the one who stood and shuffled and walked in pointless circles for ten minutes until they could see him) I wasn’t too put out by the quiet time. Like a Khyber Rifleman, I know how to sit quietly and wait. And it comes from being creative. I can think about things that are often more entertaining that magazines or mindless conversations. I’ve got a Netflix feed in my head.
I’m working on a couple of short stories, and I’m also thinking of how to critique a story someone sent me. There is that RPG I’m reffing now – had to think about a lonely leaning skyscraper in the middle of nowhere in Western China in 2075 (it was one of those planned cities that failed). While I was waiting, I imagined that it’s tipped 15 degrees (the foundations are slowly shifting). So the upturned side is covered with windmills (to generate power) and the downwind side is the waste drop (where you sit on a bench and crap into thin air. There are also the slums surrounding the base (well, not the poop side) and extensive Yak stables. Should be an interesting place to get things rolling.
And I’ve got a game I’ve been working on – how will I code the next bit. There are new bicycle routes I need to compose in my head (and now that my Brompton is coming out of the shop, I’ve got to figure a couple of smaller, closer rides for it). And there is our weekly dice game – reflect on how I lost at the last second last night.
No, really, I’ve lived much of my life in the hobbit hole that is my head. And I am thankful and grateful that I AM so imaginative, that I’ve developed my creativity and can now fully entertain myself with it. Yes, I’m sure I missed out on a lot of text dialogs (like those dog-walkers I see in the evenings) but then again, I’ve got something greater than LOLs. I’ve got leaning skyscrapers in the tundra of Western China, windmills chattering on the upwind side, feces spattering about on the downwind.
So many things to do in my head. My mental playground.