kay, Sherlock, figure this one out.
A friend loans me the book Shades of Grey. From that alone, is the writer English or American?
My head is filled with a lot of useless rubbish. I can remember scenes from movies so trivial it would make your nose bleed (in the afore-mentioned Shades, there is a reference to the line “And don’t you yell at me, Mr. Warwick!” – I instantly got it).
And so, that question – Yankee or Limey, which is it?
I read somewhere that that color between black and white, the one with fifty shades? If you spell it with an “E”, it is English. If you spell it with an “A”, it is American. And that’s easy to remember – E=English, A=American. Cute, eh?
And for the record, that vanilla book on 50 shades of Grey? English author. If it had been Yankee, it would have been Fifty Shades of Gray, and would have had a lot more guns in it.
But all those little rules I remember. I remember a 10th grade English teacher telling us that things that are “done” are in the oven, otherwise, they are “finished”. And unlike everyone on Facebook who posts pictures of bald eagles with slogans about “Its the fault of illegal immigrants”, I know the different between “its” and “it’s” (you back-woods tirebiters should learn this one – easy). Their, there, and they’re. All of these have little rules-jingles to keep them straight. And even though I might miss one from time to time, generally, I know better.
Unlike those people who want to read there copy of Fifty Shades of Gray until its done.