Moon and Scorpion (9/20/2015)

Moon and Scorpion (9/20/2015)

asn’t intending on going star gazing tonight but the sky was so clear (after the Mordor clouds we’ve had for weeks) that I figured I needed to get the dust off the scope. Did some moon-looking (of course, she’s up and showing half her face) – nice shots of some of the craters along the Apennines Range (where my heroes Tubitz and Mergenstein are currently at, if I’d ever get off my can and start writing again). Found a line of craters with their central peaks clearly defined, their central shadows forming clock-hands that must have been stretching for miles.

Also looked around the Summer Triangle, trying to spot anything I could. Outside of the big three, I’m still having problems locating anything with my refractor/equatorial. I might have found M52 (the Scorpion cluster) but I’m certainly not putting money on it. It was a dense collection of stars, far more than what was around it, so I’m hoping that’s what I saw. Since I’ve learned to spot Cassiopeia now, maybe I can look when I’ve got a little more time and see what I find.

Anyway, fun night. Supermoon/eclipse coming up end of this week. I’ll report in.