OpsLog – LM&O – 5/22/2019

OpsLog – LM&O – 5/22/2019

ooooooooom! Crash!

“Oh no, we’re burning!” “We have injured here!” “Oh, the humanity!”

Okay, so that’s done. Yes, while dispatching the LM&O tonight I did manage to run two first class passenger trains (crack sister express trains, Silver Bullet 1 and 2) into each other. Forgot to give SB2 a checkbox 8, “hold until arrival of Silver Bullet 1”. So off he went and they crashed at Red Rock.

To make matters worse, there was a loaded coal train sitting on the siding there so we can only expect that in the fiery wreck, the open-top hoppers caught fire and there was a huge conflagration and the bodies were burned beyond recognition. So not a good day.

It was an off night for the entire club. I understand (only later) that I wasn’t the only one with checkbox 8 problems. Zanesville Local bolted for home without considering it. And 414 (possibly because he was on fire from the nearby wreck) ran to Harris Glen against an overdue train.

And elsewhere, trains forgot to pick up and drop their Calypso transfers. And little Mingo Jct Local, he was out on my main working away without rights, and I found five cars on the interchange that should have gone into Milton – yes, everything they were supposed to get went off on the Pensy. So quite a night for us  – yay, team!

Still, on the good side, we all had fun operating in a way that would make a hogger blanch. And we ran every train on the schedule, which doesn’t happen often. So, if safety is not an issue and fun is, we succeeded.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go pee in a bottle.