OpsLog – TBL – 07/05/2021

OpsLog – TBL – 07/05/2021

uick entry but not a duplicate. Yes, we ran the Tuscarora on Saturday. But on Monday there wasn’t much work-session stuff going on so I decided to run a solo session. Ran up a sheet for a switcher local and boosted the effort by two additional cars (the maximum).

I gotta say, this is the railroading I built the Tuscarora for.

I just ran through the switching, taking about 90 minutes to do so. The Pee-Dee was easy – did it in minimal moves. As it stood, at the end, I wished I’d run off two sheets – I could have run a second session then and there, it was so pleasant.

I love my little railroad. And in two-three weeks, we’re running a full session with maximum positions. Should be fun!