ecide to run a simple one-man session this memorial day. I wanted to test some engines and a turnout or two, so I printed out a switchlist and went over to the club. Bumped into John DV there so we split the clubhouse: I ran on my layout and he ran on his.
Wasn’t sure how the SW-7 was going to work. I haven’t run him in ages (usually Greg’s NW-2 stands in for our local). It was a little balky at first but eventually ran sweet. And I should have known it was going to be a good session – the drill’s first move was to drop three on the bridge to pull the tank car. Turns out the tank and the next two were a triple-spot. And then the three on the bridge? Another triple. Yay, me.
Session ran well enough. I do know that the double crossover into the outer industrial has been giving me a bit of worries. The main seems to have cleared up (you need to go in slow) but the turnout leading to the brickyards doesn’t go over totally flush. Not much I can do about it – I’ve had to accept a lot of things in my recent life and this is just one more. You might go in and out of there twice in the session so a little nudge is not a big deal. One things for sure – those turnouts aren’t coming out.
Without the coal run, the interlocking delays and the bickering, the session ran about an hour and a quarter – a nice afternoon session. I really enjoyed it. Fun to see it again after visiting the real location a few weeks back.