otta admit, this was the weekend from hell. This train show, starting at 5am to head in for setup. And once it was through, I was looking forward to a run to the airport to pick up a friend’s wife, then three hours of sleep before heading in for my final corporate load (which was a disaster in itself). So, yes, stuff was stacking up.
I’m not going to take this out on the show. Yeah, we only had three people for set up (that’s going to come up in our next meeting) and we put the legs on in batshit fashion and our aisles were tight and the signal system is still wonky, Bowden Yard was dead and the show food truck never showed up (I’m now realizing that we should have sent someone out for pizzas).
But with all that…
Way down south in the land of cotton…
It was fun. Yeah, I was dreading the things I still had to do. And yes, that concrete floor was hard and the walking long. But the trains ran sweet, the people were very excited to see us (as always). We had compliments on our new scenery elements (Jim and Bill’s cotton harvester and my truck-accident scene well received). We had enough trains to keep it interesting and even picked up a couple of members (maybe, but I have hopes). And the layout itself went down as clean and sweet as a baby to its innocent sleep – twenty casual minutes before it was in the truck and off the grounds. So yes, a positive event. Had a lot of fun.
We gotta fix that cart wheel, though…