etween a software load, a compliance disaster and the possibility of retirement, work is a crazy spin-cycle of shit.
Outside of that, there is my friend in the hospital, the game I’m writing, the books I’m trying to read, all this crazy crap.
And this weekend, two days of Volusia County Fairgrounds train show.
Which was really, surprisingly fun.
I didn’t know I’d enjoy myself that much. But even with the minor layout damage (Bill, can you maybe miss a pothole or two with the trailer?) the layout went together smooth and easy. We had good participation from the membership and kept three to seven trains in motion over the twelve hours of show. Trains kept moving, the crowds liked what they saw, the kids didn’t cry. And there were donuts, both days! (I like this new administration)
And what could be a nicer ending than taking a loaner Cab Forward out for an easy run across the long sweeping curves of our layout, rolling twenty-some coal cars along, a nice black ribbon of transport. Just fun to lean back in the cab with a gloved hand resting on the Johnston bar, letting the miles roll out. Got to chat with members. Got to see the new sawmill crane in action. Even got to talk with people considering joining. Yes, we’re so good, people see our layout and want to come out to get fully involved with our hobby/mission. That’s how good we are.
So good show, guys. I hope the layout went down smooth. I hope everyone went home happy.
And I hope someone picked up the show check!
Rolling hot in North Jax (Photo: Jim M.)