The States Train disturbs a Jacksonville wedding (Photo: Jim M)
e’ll start with wrist-slapping. Over twenty people were supposed to be at setup today. We got a handful. Fortunately the crew we had was top-notch and we had just enough people to get the basic assembly team in action. Others drifted in after the layout was up, siting various reasons (the coo-coo fell off Kyle’s European clock, it seems). We were still nowhere near the numbers we’d been promised.
And here is my admonishment – you are only as good as your word.
The rest of the train show clicked out as if it had been timetabled. Trains surged out. They surged in. We’re like a flock of birds, all landing on the wire at once, all taking flight. And the bird shit!
I had a great time, running my Tidewater Express through the railroad. We were getting some weird control responses on the line – not sure if this was because of all the running systems or what? I had some minor issues but ran through the day.
Also, as people in attendance saw, I saved everyone by throwing myself on a grenade that exploded endlessly for twenty ear-bleeding minutes. I’m in the trauma ward now. If you called me after the show and I didn’t pick up, this is why. I’d had my share of words for the day.
Even through I brought donuts, Tag also brought donuts too (resulting in everyone being stuffed with them). And for lunch, right after I stepped out, Kaden and his dad brought in two dozen delicious sandwiches from a chicken franchise I don’t feel like plugging (but those sandwiches are admittedly the best). So everyone dug in, eating one or two of them with gusto.
Cut to scene: Exterior, sticky picnic table: Robert shoos away flies and slowly eats a pre-cooked burger.
Brute (Photo: Kaden S)…
…and Cute (Photo: Kyle S)
But overall, the crew worked well together. We ran trains for the whole session, the show-masters took charge and kept us honest, people got off the line as a show of courtesy to others, we sold a lot of stuff and we ended up with all the brakemen back in their places. Good show and good times.
Thanks to all those who supported the club.
A weird moment in the yard as trains of all nations assemble. The UN meets on the Isle of Sodor? (Photo: Kaden S)
The Tidewater Express blows through Jacksonville. We’re not in Pennsylvania anymore, Dorothy. (Photo: Kaden S)
A shot worthy of a magazine (Photo: John DV)
The States Train. When I was a kid, the train only had thirteen cars. (Photo: John DV)