The Freaks (DOG EAR)

The Freaks (DOG EAR)

his is a little secret I’m mentioned a couple of times on this site; I’ve been funning around writing erotica elsewhere for years.

While you are all looking at me funny and squirming, I’ll also mentioned that I was quite good. On the base I post on, I’ve got over a thousand watchers and a half-million views. People think I’m pretty good at it. Beside the free stuff there, I also was contacted a few years back by a publisher and created three collections for them (for which I was paid (but not a lot – it’s a tough racket)). But the bigger payoff came with Fire and Bronze, where my editor told me what caught his eye and landed me as a client was the erotic parts (oh, and the exciting action). But there you go. It has paid off for me after a fashion, and I’ve had a lot of fun being creative and making people happy.

What brought it to a full context stop was a cancer diagnostic. Yes, that will take the wind out of your sails. When you are looking death in the face, it’s hard to get turned on. So I mentioned on the site that I was facing a medical issue and might or might not return. And I didn’t for nine months, until the surgery was completed and the therapy started. Everything has been going good and my marker indicators say that the demon seed is out of me. I’m C-free!

And so naturally, I was on a walk and started plotting out interesting sexual storylines. Came up with a short story and wrote it. It was nice to get back to normal, doing something I apparently do really well. Finished it up, read through for typos and another for any added description I could add and posted it up.

The feedback I got was amazing.

Not only did people like the story (they really loved the story) but virtually every reply was thankful that I was okay, happy that I was well enough to write, just warm thoughts. I was really touched by this.All the freaks and fetishers were simply like a great family, backing me in my trials. These are the people that the fundamentalists will scream about, the godless and the damned. Well, they all seemed like supportive friends to me.

It’s like the same-sex couple down the street. When they found out what I was facing, they hand-made a very beautiful card with a very tear-jerky message inside. I’ve still got it, by the way. I look at it over on the dresser from time to time to remind myself that there are good people in the world.

Yeah, good people who certain corporations who grill chicken would criticize and moralize against. Which is why I’ve said they can fil-off with their damn sandwiches – I support my friends.

No mater what their deviation from the “norm” is.