Watership Now (DOG EAR)

Watership Now (DOG EAR)

ad a very interesting conversation with the woman running the radiation ring (or whatever that 3D imaging thing is called).

Was getting a scan done for my urologist and had lugged in my collection of John Carter on Mars stories (literally thicker than a brick). The lady running the rig noticed it and was telling me about her daughters, who she is reading to / being read to every night. The oldest (thirteen or so) is reading above her age-group and is looking for something “different” to read.

Of course, it was a very strange conversation…

Tech: “And so, yes, my daughter is looking for something ‘different’ to read.”

Robert: “Well, if I might recommend…”

Machine: “Breathe in and hold.”

Robert: “….”

Machine: Hummm. hummm. Hummm.

Machine: “Breathe out.”

Robert: “If I might recommend…”

Anyway, you get the picture (they got interesting pictures of me, anyway. So many kidney stones). But in the end, I recommended Watership Down. Of course, she’d never heard of it. Not surprising – I’d spoken about it in Dale Carnegie and none of the functional illiterates had heard of it (if you live in a world with internet access to books and free libraries all over the place, and you DON’T read, then you are a functional illiterate. Sorry, but there it is).

So yes, I described it as quick as I could (before the next patent came in to ride the ring). She was intrigued and ordered it, then and there, on Amazon. So we’ll see. Hopefully her daughters will love the book as I did fifty years ago. I warned her that it’s a bit of a slog at times, but some of the scenes will stay with you (Bigwig holding the tunnel is one event I’ll always remember).

So, yes, carry a book with you. Talk to others about stories, the ones that thrill you and make you weep with joy and sorrow.

It’s better than talking about the weather, right?