don’t know how this works. I was comfortably ahead with my Dog Ear pieces and now they are all but gone. Yet suddenly, where I had no idea of what I wanted to write, three new ideas popped into my head (this is one of them).
So now, on the Saturday evening of a lazy memorial day, I find myself with the following things to knock out.
1) This piece, describing the situation of everything suddenly looming.
2) A Dog Ear piece on Grinding (on what?)
3) A Dog Ear piece I found concerning a checkout list discovered in a book, a wonderful scrap of paper that gave me hope.
4) A review of Clash of Eagles, a 1980’s novel on the Nazi invasion of New York.
5) A blog posting about the Florida East Coast model railroad operation I was just at, a model railroad post I always come up with after every session.
6) A short story I was posting online that needs finishing – honestly, I’m about five paragraphs short and could wrap it up and get it out the door.
7) A short story request by an online friend, a little game we play back and forth.
8) And, Christ, Tubitz and Mergenstein, which is begging for attention the same way my cat does, meowing and rubbing and making me feel guilty as hell.
Where did all these jobs come from, ones that really won’t (in all likelihood) net me a dime? I thought about each of them on the drive out to Palm Bay (for the session, point (5) above). They are all written in my head. Now all I need is time to write them.
The wife wants to watch another episode (or two) of Misfits.
Looks like I’ll be up late tonight.
At least the first one is done. One down.