uesday night, nestled between two evenings at the train club. Usually a quiet night, one phone call from my best friend, not much else. Maybe a good writing night.
And now its 10:12 PM and I haven’t gotten even into the TNM2 folder. Where did all my writing time go?
Well, let’s see. After dinner, I had to catch the site up. I had two book reviews to write, and a Dog Ear. That took some time. Then there was the shared Solar Trader game my buddy and I are jointly playing (passing it back and forth). See, it only takes about 20 minutes to play, but then we always end up writing our epic about what’s happened. And that’s another 30 blown. You can read it HERE. Just look for the “Shared Game” thread.
Then the phone call, with chatting about our games, his vacation, and our new multi-play platform. That took some time.
Then I had to submit some erotica to a base I like tossing to (under an assumed name). It brings me no revenue and only anonymous fame, but it is a boost and I do it well. Had some fan mail questions (and even a date offer – thanks, but I’m spoken for) to answer. So, more time for ego-boosting.
Had to get some train engines and throttles for tomorrow’s operation session lest I forget. That takes time.
And I wanted to check the mini cooper for oil after my epic run down to South Florida last weekend. It took damn near five minutes to find the hood release.
And so then it was 10pm. And I wondered where the went to. And then I realized I had another idea for a DOG EAR piece, the bit I am writing now.
By the time I clean this up and get it scheduled, it will be time for bed. me and Yukikaze (my latest read) sharing the covers.
So that’s where the time goes for writers, I’m afraid.