Well, it’s been a long time coming.
As I mentioned HERE, it’s been over a year since I last hosted ops. I was unsure but had do to it. I resurrected the layout and hoped they’d come. And they came….
The gang!
The session had some rocky moments. A stuck button. A couple of overrun switches. And a poor level crossing at King City that crews were supposed to whistle at and half of them did not (including, I might add, your humble author). But we got through the session. We moved the passengers (shit, The Lark #76 was two hours late – Larry, you gotta read DOWN on the left side of the time table ) and my dispatching program, Iron Mike, was acting funky but we got through it.
Afterwards, we went over to the local Wendys and had some frosties and talked about this and that. But it was a great time, and reminded me why I’m in this great hobby.
Thanks, all!