kay, we’ll start with the question I always ask at the end of Destroyermen reviews – where do the reptilian Grik get all their shit? The bad guys in the story (and the author) have been hinting that the Grik (and the crazy Japanese emperor-wannabe, Kurokawa) had a big surprise for the heroes off the east coast of Africa. And (spoilers ahead) did they ever – hundreds of planes. Three carriers. Working torpedoes. Where did they get all this shit?
The thing that always makes me wince in these books is the fact that they don’t have railroads. Materials seem to just show up at the factory. All resources are next to all other resources (for example, for steel, you need ore and coal. Even if it’s twenty miles away, you can’t portage it. The allies have similar issues. Groaning about their long supply lines, they don’t have railroads either. Note that American heavy steel production didn’t come about when there were canal barges – it was railroads that made them. Not having railroads (which can be followed, meaning the factories are not that hidden) makes all this stuff that shows up more like magic then manufacturing.
Still, all my negatives aside, even while I’m wondering where those three carriers came from, I’m hanging on the edge of my seat when they are employed. Its all very exciting and I try to make myself forget author Taylor Anderson’s trick of having the cavalry always show up in the last moments of a failing battle. Fun reading if you don’t look too closely.
But yes, with only a handful of books remaining, with main characters held prisoner, with our fleet torn up and our counter attack stalled, I’m wondering how we’ll ever get to some sort of victory.
I’m in until the end.