Weight (DOG EAR)

Weight (DOG EAR)

‘ve always meant to say this but never got the urge until I showed up early for a dinner that everyone either skipped or came late for. And here it is.

My quote:

The weight of time is far less that the weight of a thin paperback book.

This might not make much sense unless you’ve ever decided to go somewhere and had nothing to do for forty-five minutes or so. And for some reason, when you left your house, you picked up the paperback you were reading, yet, the one that was just getting interesting. You gauged it in your hand, bouncing it up and down. Bring it?


And there you sit, looking at bread in the basket, your second coke beading in the glass, twenty minutes still to go before your friends might show up (if they are coming) (and if they are on time). Sure wish you brought that book now, eh?

I’ve learned this lesson so many times in my life and still ignore it. You should always bring a book in the car with you. Just like you should always have a spare jacket. Who knows when you might need warmth or entertainment to get through some trial?

Always bring your book.

That’s my point.