Anime on the Menu (DOG EAR)

Anime on the Menu (DOG EAR)

nteresting little event tonight. We were in a chain-ish deli, enjoying dinner. Just quiet time, my wife and I reading over our meals. I had on my My Hero Academia t-shirt on, the character Bakugo, the rival of the hero, a guy who can cause explosions from his hands. He’s loud, crazy and fun to watch.

Anyway, when it was check-time, the waitress said, “I like your shirt. And I like anime.” And that got us both wound up, comparing titles and frothing about that media. Turns out she watch all of Bleach (something like 20+ seasons of 24 episodes each). I only got 10 down before giving up. Oh, this went on for about ten minutes and I recommended a couple of titles – Cowboy Bebop among them (she’d never heard of it (it came out in the mid-ninties (I’m so old…))). But I noticed her glancing at the next table – a couple of guys had just come in. It was that I’d rather talk but I gotta get back to work.

As I stood, I noticed the three guys at the table – just all ball caps and wide smiles. And one of them looked right at me. “I love DeathNote! Do you remember the moment when…”. Another couple of minutes gabbing like fanboys (which we were).

I can only image when the old codgers at the deli made of all this.

But I walked out smiling. It’s something to share a media with so many people, a media lost on all but the young of heart. Just a nice end to a nice evening.