aving produced a novel with what I thought was a good cover (and wasn’t (even my dear old mother told me that)), this book is sold by its cover (even author Rebecca Thorne admits it). I was standing in the bookstore and it caught my eye, two women reading before the fire in dreamy watercolors. And so I was sold. Not convinced? I’m including it below. You be the judge.
Cute, eh?
So it’s an interesting little fantasy book, specifically because the main characters are “lesbians with powers”. I mean, how else can I put it? Reyna and Kianthe love each other. The former was a member of a mad queen’s bodyguard. The latter is the most powerful mage in the land. It’s all cuddly and cute, unless you are a book-burning conservative.
So even though these two have duties to others, they just want to open a tea-shop/bookstore in a tiny little town and live tiny little lives, sipping and reading. Hey, I wouldn’t think bookstores would work in medieval villages, but we’ve got Joybird Books in Orlando, so there is hope.
Anyway, they hide from the world and try to enjoy their gentle hobbies and each other. Happily, unlike other novels, their romance is not graphically detailed, which allows the novel to be cozy and not exploitive. I did find myself warming to it. And yes, I think it’s the first novel of a series. I don’t know if I’ll climb onboard for the entire ride – I was just curious about this one. It’s a novel idea, something new, and not just some bloody big brute with a bloody big sword. It’s good to see the fantasy industry trying new and imaginative things (such as my recently read Sixteen Ways to Defend a Walled City). Hopefully more works of this nature will be in the pipeline.
Anyway, a nice little novel that might appeal to some of you blogfollowers, in your local bookstore right now. Grab your muffins and check it out.