kay, this one will be a tough one to write. Sure, the first train out got routed wrong out of the yard. There, are you happy? I admit it. To make it worse, the last train in also misrouted down the wrong track and hit a train on the departure tracks. So full disclosure.
But while we’re spreading blame on toast, let’s not forget that every local, every local, worked long today. I had delays at Palm bay, at Pinetta, Buenaventura, Frontenac, Titusville and the whole Cocoa stretch. If locals worked clear of the main, they did fine. But work on the high iron and they went to pieces. I had locals come back four hours overdue. And that meant I ran slow. I usually have to tap the brakes to not get too far ahead. But today, I was struggling to stay two to three hours behind.
And all the mainline engineers were playing spin the bottle to see who got to call and remind me they were waiting at a red board.
Usually I feel pretty chipper after a session but tonight I feel like someone took an aluminum bat to me in an alley.
Still, we wrapped up the session about thirty minutes behind schedule, thanks to a final Cocoa Yard shuffle. I was trying to get us back on the timetable but couldn’t quite pull it off.
And then I collided trains in the yard.
I’m going to bed.