Rickmember (DOG EAR)

Rickmember (DOG EAR)

or those of you who haven’t watched Rick and Morty, it’s a funny animated TV show over on Hulu. The idea is that it’s a loose lift of Doc Brown and Marty, played by a crusty (and often drunk) super-scientist and and his slow grandson. Sure, it’s nasty and the violence is gratuitous. But on the positive side, the show often makes stunning observations about our culture and especially our tropes. They will back-reference themselves and make occasional fourth-wall rim shots (such as, “You’ll remember back in season two…”)

So I’ve watched all seven current seasons. However, all the way through, there was a long story-arch about Rick’s nemesis, a version of himself even more smarter and craftier than our hero. And with a year (or longer) between seasons (and the upset when the original voice actor for Rick got canned for off-screen issues) it’s easy to forget who is who and what the storyline is.

So I’ve asked a friend to watch it (he just got Hulu) but he’s dragging his feet. Me, I watched the entire first season again, just so I could be ready to talk about it. Of course, he hasn’t shown up for that but it works for me – I was looking for something to watch. So now I’ve plowed through all seven seasons (in about three weeks) and really enjoyed them. But also, binging the set means everything is fresh. Now I know just how evil the evil nemesis was, and where evil Morty flew off too. The huge battle scene between the Ricks was more impressive now, quite a moment.

Sometimes I really wish shows would give us a five minute (or longer) of plot walkthrough so we can hit the ground running. Many of the novels I read do just that, with the author re-setting the scene for you (possibly through character’s reflecting on what has already taken place).

But hey, I’m all caught up now. So now I just need season 8 to drop!

No time soon.

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