
December 3, 2020

Volleyball (DOG EAR)

like anime – Japanese animated series, for those of you in the dark. It’s weird and strange and oddly informative. Sometimes you can see that slice of life, a part of what it means to be human. Other times, it’s just giant robots. When my niece Kirstin suggested Haikkyu!!, I was a little dubious – it’s a volleyball epic, a story about a short Japanese student who loves volleyball and wants his high school team to be successful. The thing is, he’s short, but he’s light, so he’s got this killer jump and this crazy spike. It’s fun to watch […]
November 3, 2022

Too much Bleach (DOG EAR)

eah, my guilty little pleasure – anime. I love Japanese animation. For every ten series I start, one stays with me and I’ll watch it all the way through. So, there’s one called Bleach, a fairly famous and very successful franchise. It started in the mid-2000’s and ran twenty seasons of twenty episodes each.That’s about (give or take) about 400 episodes. That’s a lot of bleach. It hit me while I was fast-forwarding through the opening number (as I do). Hulu dutifully informed me that I still had something like 730 episodes unwatched. Since half are subbed and half dubbed […]
January 26, 2023

Speaking “Ute” (DOG EAR)

ing ting!” went the bell of the coffee house. “One cup, black, please,” I told the young guy behind the counter. He eyed my shirt. “Hey, which anime is that?” I had to look down – I wasn’t sure how I dressed that morning. “Oh, this is ‘My Hero Academia.” He told me his roommate watched it but he loved Bleach. I had to confess that I was dragging through it. Once the coffee was up, I went outside to read in the sun. But it was interesting that we could chat over a shirt. Look, I read some manga […]
May 29, 2024

Anime on the Menu (DOG EAR)

nteresting little event tonight. We were in a chain-ish deli, enjoying dinner. Just quiet time, my wife and I reading over our meals. I had on my My Hero Academia t-shirt on, the character Bakugo, the rival of the hero, a guy who can cause explosions from his hands. He’s loud, crazy and fun to watch. Anyway, when it was check-time, the waitress said, “I like your shirt. And I like anime.” And that got us both wound up, comparing titles and frothing about that media. Turns out she watch all of Bleach (something like 20+ seasons of 24 episodes […]