
May 28, 2023

Mistborn (Review)

his one was a recommendation by our favorite barista Maddy, a book of high fantasy in a world so bleak it is really not to be believed. The thing is, magic works, but only after a fashion. There are eleven metals that a misting (who can use one) or mistborn (who can use them all) employ for basic spells. But here is the interesting part – the metals are swallowed by these mages, and their bellies burn them, so that’s what fuels the magic. It’s really wild and craftily done, this set of magic rules that make this fantasy world […]
July 2, 2023

The Well of Ascension (Review)

kay, I’ve got to be careful here. Ever since coffeeshop Maddy got me into the first book of the Mistborn series, and railroad friend Ben loaned me the rest, I’ve been yacking this one up to any readers I can corner. As a result, I know at least two friends who are currently working through it. So I’ve got to be careful of spoilers in my review. What I can say is that The Well of Ascension is the second book in Brandon Sanderson’s wonderful series. In it, magic users (who have to be born into it, so no midi-chlorians […]
November 19, 2023

The Hero of Ages (Review)

crossed the finish line! Done. If there’s one thing you can say about Brandon Sanderson’s The Hero of Ages (the third book of the Mistborn) series, is that it’s big. 556 pages big. I’ve been hauling that brick around for a week. But in books, size doesn’t really matter if the book is good. For example, I only wish that Cloud Cuckoo Land had been bigger. But I’m not sure (speaking frankly) that Sanderson used his pages wisely. The story pacing across this thing felt… off. First off, characters tended to moan and complain about their personal problems through this […]